In our society, several undocumented groups live and work here and often go unnoticed. The groups consist of people in diverse circumstances. Those who have work and are able to maitain themselves, or those who work but struggle to make ends meet on low incomes, or people who rely heavily on their social networks for support and find it difficult to support themselves. People who, due to health issues or dire circumstances, are unable to work. They find themselves living in shelters or even on the streets. This group often depends on weekly money provided by municipal shelters, charitable donations, or sporadic, small-scale employment opportunities they can find through their networks.

Even if undocumented people can financially support themselves and their families, many of them are easily subjected to exploitation due to their vulnerable’undocumented’ position, by not having a valid staying permit. This creates a divided society where work exploitation takes place. Moreover: Access to our society is linked to your legal status. This implies that people in our society are reduced to second rate citizens, are excluded from basic services, are lacking information and are easily taken advantage of for the profit of privileged citizens with the right documents. One could call it systemic, modern slavery.

We explore these implications by working side by side to change this pattern, by documenting the process and by creating tools in accesssing the right to the city.